Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Poem

An Open Invitation; Meditation and Medication

Oh! Dear, Oh! Dear, let’s enjoy bottles of beer
No one is here, take not any minute fear
Think not, you’ll obviously be King Lear.

It’s a rare and mere,
Go ahead Lear, add layer upon layer
Think not about the controlling gear.

Whether you’re King Lear or fearing Dear,
I’m not a seer.

Oh Dear, Oh Dear, let’s enjoy bottles of beer,
Layer upon layer
Think it, you’ll definitely be Liquor Lear

Milky White: Knowledge

White, white milky white
Right, right it’s immortal white
Remember how is how, who is who
It’s what my knowledge is true.

Black lacks the light, and it is the real black
White lacks the whiteness and becomes it black.

Pollutionlessness, the mind and man
Should be today’s and tomorrow’s fan

Noisy pokers say no
Druggy drummers say no
Nasty nipple says no
Hasty hangers-on hail them in the heaven
Filthy films say no
Please passers-by and say no to drugs and wars,
It’s is all knowledge of big boys.

(From Anthology of Indifference, unpublished)


  1. The poet on the page suggests,
    "Read bottles of beer as mental bottles of beer."

    1. Sir can you please tell us the meaning of this poem??
      Honestly we didn't understand this poem i.e. what it is about.
